Milos gives bad dating advice
The ethics of circumcision
Court rejects intactivist lawsuit against Mass. Medicaid
Uncircumcised, not intact, is the correct term
15 square inches of erogenous tissue?
Doctors Opposing Circumcision is a sham
Intactivism is a Mental Disorder
Does circumcision cause psychological damage?
The United States Constitution and circumcision
Of all the nerves
The 16 Foreskin Functions - a critical analysis
Get over it!
Pants on Fire
Why not wait until he's old enough to decide?
The disingenuity of intactivists
The irate Man uses our post to attack Intact America
Counterfeit Jews
New Hampshire legislation would severely restrict circumcision
Circumcision is not mutilation
The 2023 AAP Counter-Protest
Supreme Court rejects Clopper v Harvard appeal