When things go wrong with neonatal circumcision
Physician Contributor April 24, 2021 In the US, many thousands of neonatal (routine) circumcisions are performed every year and the vast...

It’s time for anti-circumcision activists to stop the bullying
Andrew Gross Published on April 17, 2015 by the Jewish Weekly of Northern California. Republished by permission. Revised and updated...

No, circumcision doesn't cause autism.
April 3, 2021 Morten Frisch is the lead author of a 2013 letter by mostly European doctors criticizing the AAP task force on...

Circumcision deaths
March 6, 2021 Intactivists have claimed for years that more than 100 baby boys in the United States die each year from circumcision...

Another Intact America contradiction
Click HERE for our series on Intact America. According to Intact America, circumcision policy in the U.S.A. shouldn't be determined by...

AAP sued over botched circumcision
Published: February 15, 2021 Updated: October 2, 2023 The intactivist movement has a dismal record in recent litigation. Let’s review....

Does newborn circumcision affect adult behaviors?
Andrew Gross January 20, 2021 The headlines and articles screamed about the latest study that purports to show that infant circumcision...

Red Herring Research
December 19, 2020 The website Saving Our Sons posted a quiz created by intactivist James Ketter - purportedly as a way to determine...

Flap of skin
November 2, 2020 We've documented the false and misleading information that anti-circumcision groups like Intact America and Doctors...

How intactivists exploited the Coronavirus
October 28, 2020 "We've never had an opportunity like this to force our will on the people." The Coronavirus pandemic has affected every...