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Circumcision Choice promotes a post that defamed us

August 14, 2019

A 23 year-old Ohio mother created The Bitchy Intactivist page to post derisive anti-circumcision memes that she would be too ashamed to show to her extended family on her own Facebook page. Last week she accused the admins of this website of various sins. Most of these accusations are simply projection.

Stalks and bullies intactivists all day long.

Actually intactivists are the ones who commit stalking and bullying 24/7. They post the names of and links to parents, doctors, nurses, mohels, and anyone who dares to disagree with the anti-circumcision agenda. Then the intactivist mob descends like a swarm of locusts to bully and threaten targets. They may also harass a target's spouse, parents, children, friends, and employer.

Thinks cutting baby boy's genitals is ok.

This statement is too broad. Specifically, we support and defend circumcision - removal of the foreskin. We do not support castration, penectomy, or any other non-therapeutic genital cutting. Only circumcision. And only with parental consent.

Our position aligns with that of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Urological Association, American College of Nurse-Midwives, Canadian Paediatric Society, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, World Health Organization, and an overwhelming majority of the American people. They agree that parents have a right to make medical decisions for their minor children.

Does nothing to protect human rights.

While Circumcision Choice members promote human rights in our personal capacities, we don't typically brag about our altruism. (We'll make an exception later in this post.)

Intactivism is not about protecting human rights. Despite what they tell themselves, intactivists do not protect the rights of boys. Nor do they protect the human rights of girls. In fact they ignore the plight of female genital mutilation victims. We documented their complete failure to lift a finger to help the more than 500,000 girls in the United States that are at risk for FGM.

Saying that intactivism is a mental disorder.

This one is true. We recorded circumcision opponents in their own words and the words of relatives and mental health professionals. By their own admission intactivism causes stress, anxiety, rage, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suicidal thoughts. While intactivists may loathe the Mental Disorder article, they have been unable to identify a single sentence that is false, misleading, or out of context.

Mocks suicide victims.

Everything we wrote about Jonathon Conte is based on his own words. We mocked neither him nor anyone else. By contrast, intactivists celebrated the death of a prominent AAP leader, and they have taunted and tormented grieving parents mourning the loss of a child.

Unoriginal Content.

We reviewed her page and our page for the period June 1 - August 9. During that time The Bitchy Intactivist had just 40% original content (22 original posts and 33 shares from other sources). Circumcision Choice had 66% original content (33 original posts and 17 shares). Several of our shares were to science-based articles. We didn't find any science from The Bitchy Intactivist. Her fans don't learn anything from her page that they wouldn't get from any other intactivist source.

In the past year we've published 25 blog posts on this website. We refuted several common intactivist claims, such as that circumcision causes psychological damage, and that 1 out of 16,667 men will require a circumcision in his lifetime. We reported on activities outside the 2018 AAP Conference in Orlando, Florida. We corrected an intactivist scholar's misunderstanding of a court ruling about the current FGM case, and we authored two in-depth critiques of prominent anti-circumcision organizations.

Circumcision Choice supports The Bitchy Intactivist's donation appeal

In her post the Bitchy Intactivist included an appeal for donations to Stomp Out Bullying, an organization that fights to end child-on-child and teen-on-teen bullying. After one week her 2,600 fans had contributed an embarrassingly pitiful total of $5. (By comparison, Circumcision Choice fans donated $60 toward suicide prevention.) Because we are above pettiness, and as an expression of compassion, today a Circumcision Choice admin donated to help her in her fundraising effort. And in spite of her malicious defamation, we choose to take the high road by making an unprecedented promotion for her page.

We encourage readers to click this link to The Bitchy Intactivist, click the Donate button and make a donation in any amount to Stomp Out Bullying.

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